Presidency faces criticism over new jet

Prominent Nigerians and certain groups have knocked the move to procure a new aircraft for the President, Bola Tinubu and his deputy, Kashim Shettima, despite the downturn in the nation’s economy. They expressed shock that the presidency was making such a move when majority of Nigerians are  struggling even to feed.

The main opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), the Middle Belt Forum (MBF), the the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), the Northern Elders’ Forum (NEF), the Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF), the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Chief Mike Ahamba, and others said a jet should not be the priority of the presidency at a time Nigerians when  can barely even feed.

Labour and the Federal Government have been at loggerheads over a new national minimum wage. Labour is pushing for N250,000, while government says it can only afford N62,000 due to economic constraints. Additionally, the government has urged Nigerians to embrace austerity measures and make sacrifices for the country during these challenging economic time in the country.

•No moral justification to ask for sacrifices  says PDP

Reacting to the plan to boost the presidential fleet with a new aircraft, the PDP said that, President Tinubu has no moral justification to ask Nigerians to make further sacrifices.

Its National Publicity Secretary, Debo Ologunagba, in a telephone interview,had  said that government must live by example by cutting luxury items.

Ologunagba, who stated that the citizens have been sacrificing since the advent of the Tinubu administration on May 29, 2023, said asking Nigerians to make more sacrifices would be tantamount to telling them to commit suicide.

He said, “If the government is so reckless in spending, then it has no moral justification to ask the citizens to sacrifice. In any event, the appropriate word is to say to the government, ‘Let the poor breathe.’ That would be the right word to say to them.

Further that, “There are millions of families in this country that could not celebrate the very special celebration of eid. They couldn’t celebrate it because they couldn’t afford it. So, for the government to say what they have said (acquisition of new jet) showed they are disconnected with the realities on ground – that people are dying on a daily basis because they cannot afford food. People are dying on a daily basis because they cannot buy medicine. People are dying by reason of the fact that they are frustrated and they commit suicide on a daily basis. And the government seems to be disconnected and averse to the reality in the nation.

He continued that, “Our own advice, as a party, is that the President should live by example by first ensuring that the corruption and the excessive maintenance of their luxury appetite is cut. We have said it severally that the government must stop pursuing and fund their luxury appetite. And it comes in the form of vehicles, the nature of vehicles and the number of vehicles.

“Government has no moral justification. Indeed, Nigerians have been sacrificing. They have been sacrificing from day one; since May 29, 2023 when this government came in. It started by the rash and ill-thought programme of removing fuel subsidy. Nigerians have been suffering on the basis of that. They have been paying more on electricity tariff, and paying more on multiple taxes being imposed on the people.

“These people are suffocating. Telling them to sacrifice more is like saying go and commit suicide. That is what they are saying. It is the government that should sacrifice now. The leadership should show examples. And if there is any plan at all to purchase an aircraft, then President Tinubu should perish the thought. Number one, the British Prime Minister flies British Airways. The Prime Minister of the UK flies British Airways. At the last count, we have about seven or nine aircraft in the Presidential fleet. Former President Muhammadu Buhari came and said he was going to sell all of them; instead of selling, he acquired more,” he said.

•NLC: Prioritising luxury over needs

The NLC has  also kicked against the plan, accusing the ruling elite of prioritising luxury over the needs of the people of Nigerian.

According to Mr. Benson Upah,  the spokesperson for the NLC, when it comes to the comfort of the members of the ruling political elite, there is no limit to what the state can do. But, when it comes to the basic necessities of the ordinary Nigerian, they begin to use a calculator.

He stated, “As long as the ruling elite consider themselves over and above every other citizen, every need, and every necessity, there will continue to be hunger and anger in the land.”

Lamenting on the discrepancy between the government’s priorities and public needs, Upah added: “There is always enough for the pleasures or the passions of the ruling political elite, but never enough for the necessities of the citizenry. Purchasing a presidential jet cannot be a necessity for now, given the complaints or comments from the ruling political elite. It cannot be a priority for now.”

Drawing comparisons with leaders in other countries, he pointed out that: “We have many leaders, including the Kenyan president, and others, who are flying commercial planes.”

•MBF, Chamber of Commerce and Industry kick

MBF, through its president, Dr. Pogu Bitrus, said that, president Tinubu should be more sensitive to the plight of Nigerians and not indulge in extravagant expenditures.

“He’s supposed to live by example. If the economy is okay, he can buy a presidential jet and no one would raise an eyebrow. But, given that the economy is in a bad shape and he knows it, he should be sensitive enough to not spend money on things that are not necessary. But, if he can justify to Nigerians that the current jet is in such bad shape and that his security is at risk if he uses it, we can understand, but no one has given us such an explanation. As far as we are concerned, it is just one of those extravagant expenditures,” he stated.

The chairman, SMES Group of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Daniel Dickson-Okezie, said it was most unfortunate but not surprising that the president wanted to get a jet during this critical time .

He reiterated that, “People like us, who understand what has been happening in the country and the hypocrisy about fighting for the common man, or trying to solve the problems of the average Nigerian, are not surprised. We know that the politicians are not interested in that, particularly those in the corridors of power. If you look at it, since the administration of this present government, it has been this way, it’s just that it’s getting worse. The number of ministers appointed when this government came to power shouldn’t have been. This is the highest Nigeria has ever had. So, there is nothing we have seen in this particular government of President Tinubu that indicates that they have any serious plan to cut down on the cost of administration and see how they can really solve the problems of the country.

The President of the Calabar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), David Etim, described the plan as bad optics, and bad timing, taking into consideration the current economic situation of the country.

He mentioned, “Though I have my issues with the minimum wage request by Labour and all of that for the public sector, the complaint is that the government cannot afford it or go beyond N62,000, and now the presidency is talking about a new jet; it’s wrong. The cost of a new plane is significantly above N62,000.”

•NEF, AYCF, CAN shocked

The Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF) president, Alhaji Yerima Shettima, described the idea as “insensitive” to the current economic hardship in the land. 

He said,  “I am totally not in support of any new aircraft at the moment. Rather, he should stay at home and work or manage the available ones. Let us be honest with ourselves, this is not acceptable and Nigerians must not be in support of this idea.

He continued, “This is a clarion call that Nigerians must resist and condemn it because we cannot go and be pleading through hardship to give Mr. President time because we didn’t expect him to perform a miracle in his one year in office. We are just recovering from the SUV for NASS members and they are now talking about buying a private jet, no. This is wrong”.

Reacting also,  the immediate past Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Kaduna State, Rev. John Joseph Hayab, expressed extreme shock that President Tinubu wanted Nigerians to be patient with him but he was not ready to be patient with Nigerians.

He stated, “We know that the desire to add to the presidential fleet is fine but is that what is good for Nigerians now? Mr. President keeps telling us that he wants to put Nigerians first but from his actions, what he has been doing is what is good for the ‘boys’ and people around him.

Also that, “Do we need a presidential jet now when many Nigerians cannot eat; when labour is calling for improved salaries? I’m one of those pleading that labour must not ask for what the government cannot pay. For me, this is not right.

 “I wish Mr. President would listen to us and not allow those that will mislead him succeed. The government must think about people and people’s welfare and go for necessary things. We have seen presidents in other countries flying in public planes. Will that take away your being president? I don’t think so. At the moment, the decision is not right,” he added.

The Spokesman for the Northern Elders Forum (NEF), Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, said the decision to purchase a new jet at a time the bulk of the population cannot feed calls for serious concern.

He said, “Many people, myself included, do not find this decision to be necessary given the current realities facing Nigeria. In a country where millions of people are struggling with hunger and poverty, where inflation is on the rise and necessities are becoming increasingly unaffordable, the plan by the government to splurge on a new luxury jet seems not only unnecessary but incredibly insensitive.

Also that, “The decision is unfortunately coming at a time when the country is facing numerous challenges, both economic and social, leading to job losses, a decline in the economy, and an increase in poverty levels. The government’s response to these challenges should be focused on supporting the people who are most affected by them, not on acquiring more luxury items for themselves.

“I feel the decision sends the wrong message to the citizens of the country. It conveys a sense of entitlement and extravagance, while many people are struggling to put food on the table and make ends meet. It also raises questions about the government’s priorities and whether they are truly focused on serving the best interests of the people.

He continued, “It is important for the government to be mindful of the current realities facing the country and to prioritise the needs of the people above all else. While it may be convenient for the government officials to have access to a new jet for official travel, this luxury should not come at the expense of the well-being of the citizens they are meant to serve.

“I think the government should focus on addressing the pressing needs of the people, rather than indulging in luxury that only serves to showcase their privilege and disconnect from the struggles of the average citizen. It is time for the government to reassess its priorities and act in the best interests of the people they are elected to serve,” he added.

•Focus on alleviating sufferings of Nigerians – Obi

Writing on his X handle, yesterday, the former Anambra State Governor and the Labour party presidential candidate, Peter Obi, described the plan of the Federal Government to purchase new aircraft to add to the presidential fleet as unacceptable and a clear show of insensitivity to the suffering of the Nigerian people.

He stated, “At a time when our country is on the front page of global newspapers for facing its worst economic crisis, marked by high inflation, a falling currency, and widespread poverty, the government is contemplating buying new presidential jets.  This demonstrates extreme insensitivity to citizens’ struggles.

Also that, “With rising insecurity, poverty, hunger, and homelessness, this decision highlights the disconnect that is apparent between the government and the people.

“It is unacceptable as the situation in the country today more than ever demands a more compassionate use of resources, prioritising citizens’ welfare.

He continued, “It’s on record that our presidential jets have an average age of 12 years, purchased when most Nigerians could afford necessities. Now, as our country faces significant challenges, including a high debt profile, our citizens are in even greater need. Instead of adding to our luxuries, we should be focused on alleviating their sufferings, and finding solutions to their problems.”

“For long, our bad leadership has made our priorities, as leaders, to be at variance to the needs of society, which is why we are headed now south, as a nation.”

“To elucidate further, despite dropping down to the fourth largest economy in Africa, with a GDP of $252 billion and a per capita income of $1,080, with huge debt burdens and borrowing to service debts, yet, we are spending $15 million for our Vice President’s residence, while the USA, the world’s largest economy with a GDP of $25 trillion, about 100 times our GDP, and a per capita income of $80,000, about 80 times ours, still houses their Vice President in Number 1 Observatory Circle, a house built over 100 years ago, and whose value is less than the $15 million we are spending on our VP’s residence.”

“A reputable real estate company reports that the US Vice President’s Official Residence is valued at about $7.5 million today.”

“While we had earlier refurbished the old VP residence with $2 million, the over 100-year-old US Vice President’s house has only undergone wide-scale renovations twice, funded by taxpayers’ money; in 1993 and 2021. Every new US VP is free to finance any minor refurbishing from his funds.”

“It’s, therefore, time to stop this impunity, insensitivity, and shamelessness and refocus on the needs of our people.”

“We must prioritise education, healthcare, and lifting our citizens out of poverty. Let us work together to build a nation that truly serves its people, not just the interests of a few.”

“Let’s rise to the challenge, and build this new Nigeria which is now more possible than ever before,” he added.

•Insensitive to plight of Nigerians -ADF

The Alaigbo Development Foundation (ADF) described the plan as insensitive and even callous.

Its secretary, Chief Abia Onyike, said that the present government had taken several anti-people policies, including withdrawal of petroleum subsidies.

He stated“It will be the height of insensitivity and callousness for the Tinubu administration to go about purchasing new presidential jets when the masses are dying of hunger and extreme poverty.”

“Why should the government be so unperturbed about the plight of Nigerian citizens? They can’t pay a reasonable minimum wage to guarantee decent living for Nigerian workers. They have withdrawn subsidies so as not to be responsible for anything. But, they are only concerned about their own selfish interests as oppressive rulers that they are. This is the worst and most backward government since independence. Tinubu must make serious amends so that peace will reign in the country. The situation has become unbearable and terrible. The Nigerian people may soon lose their patience,” he added.

•Misplaced priority – Ahamba

Senior lawyer and elder statesman, Chief Ahamba, has said that the proposal to buy a presidential jet is unfortunate and a misplaced priority.

“Going to buy a jet when people are crying for Garri to drink is not the right thing. The government should restructure its priorities at this moment so that people can absorb what’s happening to them,” he said.

•More reactions

The General Secretary, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the 19 Northern states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT),  Abuja, as well as the Chairman, CAN, NorthWest zone, Elder Sunday Oibe said: “Something is truly wrong with our political leadership. Does he want all Nigerians to die and be buried for him to know that we are making real sacrifices? Nigeria politicians want the rest of us to make sacrifices but their flamboyant lifestyle never suggests any sacrifice on their part.

“Look at the huge amount being wasted in the name of renovation of both the president and his deputy’s residence when feeding is difficult for an average Nigerian,” he said.

He continued, “Nigerians are yet to get out of the hardship brought upon them by Mr President’s pronouncement on subsidy removal the day he took over the mantle of leadership of this country and he is still talking about making sacrifices. If they want to kill us all, let him do so with the speed of light rather than calling for sacrifices.”

“We are already in serious pains of hardship caused by the misrule of the country’s political class, therefore, if he has no answers to the problem of catalogues of woes confronting Nigerians, he should not annoy us by this kind of statement,” he added.

In his reaction, a Kaduna-based Christian cleric, Rev. Emmanuel Olorunmagba, questioned: “How can they ask us to sacrifice and they are allocating huge budgets for exotic cars and others, and embarking foreign trips with a large number of people? Invariably, they want the suffering masses to sacrifice beyond the suffering they are already sacrificing so that they (the political leaders) can have more to continue to live their extravagant lifestyle at the expense of the masses. No serious person will take them seriously

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