Overview of sleep, consequences and recommendations

Lack of enough sleep is never fun and although It happens to nearly everyone once in a while, it has some serious effects and inconveniences. 

However, for some people, it is more than just an occasional irritation.

Lack of enough sleep is likely to cause fatigue and a very undesirable situation at work, school or anywhere.

Lack of sleep can make the body produce less melatonin, leading to cancer.

Sleep allows the body to heal itself. When you are deprived of sleep, the natural aging process will therefore accelerate.

Also, lack of enough sleep can lead to a compromised immune system, which is more susceptible to frequent colds and infections.

Consequently, lying awake at night, naturally feels lonely, even if there’s a sleeping partner next to you.

Experts have also warned that lack of decent sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s disease, which is the leading cause of dementia.

Not sleeping enough can cause the body to go through stress, which in turn can exacerbate high blood pressure.

Scientifically, there is a strong link between lack of sleep and heart disease. All those overtime hours could be attributed to stress and anxiety.

There is a definite link between sleep disorders and Type 2 diabetes. The risk of insulin resistance rises when you don’t have sufficient sleep.

Just like smoking, not sleeping properly is bad for your health. It can knock several years off life expectancy.

Getting enough sleep boosts brain power, improves weight management, and reduces stress and inflammation. 

Experts recommend between seven and nine hours of sleep per day.

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