Are you willing to let His will be done ?

Firstly, What is the will of God ?

The will of God is a perception which entails God’s will as the basis of everything that exists.

God is the greater good, essentially the Head of all principalities, including evil.

The aim of all human existence in God’s eyes is that we would be as valuable as Christ was on earth.

There is a fond concept of the ‘way of living’ explained as God’s intention regarding human life.

When we talk about the will of God, we cannot but date back to the creation of man in Genesis 1 vs 27and the events surrounding his life in the Garden of Eden. 

We see in the creation story, that at the creation of Adam and his companion, Eve, they were given instructions from God. However, there was a striking instruction which was centered around what to eat and what not to eat. This gives expression to what the will of God connotes.

According to Philosopher, Thomas Aquinas, God is the highest good.

In Christ there are two natures which consists of the human and divine nature, further extending to the human and divine will through Christ.

How the will manifests

To a larger extent, Scriptures noted that God can break rules/laws to intervene on earth or rather, respond to our prayers.

The will of God is crucial to understanding all things explained in the scriptures or unexplained on earth.

God is the most sovereign Being and can either approve or disapprove things.

Whatever God has ordained to happen, eventually happens.

In Romans 8 vs 28, the Bible lets us know that God causes all things to work together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose.

In the same light, in Genesis 50 vs 20, evil was intended for Joseph when he was sold by his brothers, but God turned it for good, that Joseph, not only steps into God’s will for him, but also that his brothers be saved by him. 

Whatever God forbids remains paradoxical.

However, God’s will is the pivot of control in the universe as seen in the book of Matthew 26 vs 39, where Jesus said “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not as I will but as you will”. Here, God’s will is attributed to what would happen in the following hours.

Meanwhile, according to the book of Isaiah 53 vs 10, the ruler, Herod, Pilate, the Soldiers, the Jewish leaders all sinned in fulfilling God’s will that Jesus be crucified. This indicates that the will of God sometimes is established over evil.

Delving into the life of Christ on earth, His core assignment was that the will of God be done, as seen in Matthew 26 vs 39. He endured hardship, rejection (from His own), pain, and all the vices that plague the world. The will of God is sometimes not meat and drink. Little wonder Proverbs 19 vs 21 says that many are the devices in a man’s heart but the counsel and will of God must stand. 

In the same breath, the book of 1 Peter 3 vs 17, notes that it may be God’s will that we suffer for doing good things. The foreknowing, mysterious and all powerful God could will events that may include sin or some kind of evil.

Also, it is important to note that God’s will cannot be broken or disregarded as it is the pillar of everything and everyone.

God’s will is whatever humans are directed to do, as Jesus said in Matthew 7 vs 21, “Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the ones who does the will of my father who is in heaven”. This simply implies that not all are willing to do God’s will.

Additionally, the book of 1 John 2 vs 17 explained that the world is passing away along with its desires, insisting that whoever does God’s will abides forever.

However, evil as we know it, already takes deep root in the world today. When Lucifer sinned and was cast down into the earth (Revelation 12 vs 9), he took territory over the earth and that’s why scripture in 2 Corinthians 4 vs 4 regards him as the “god of this world”. He patrols the earth, watching everything going on (Job 1 vs 7). That is not to say, however, that he has full control over the earth. In 1 John 3 vs 8, scripture tells us that because of the works of the devil, the Son of God, Jesus, was  manifested, to destroy his works. When Jesus’ assignment was completed on earth, authority in the earth was snatched from the devil, and given to Jesus (Matthew 28 vs 18). So, invariably, the devil’s workings are limited. He is a fallen adversary, who will always remain under the authority and will of God, despite the evils He orchestrates. He needed the permission of God to carry out his evil agenda in the life of Job (Job 1 vs 12).

Apply or Remove; Conclusion 

The applicability of the will of God on humans unequivocally depends on the human willingness to cooperate with the divine will. We need to comprehend that God is in control just as we are under such control. Humanity needs to correspond to God’s will.

According to Paul in the book of Romans 12 vs 2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect”. This statement implies that we must acknowledge and approve the will of God and obediently adhere to his directives. On the other hand, even as evil or sin is a part of God’s will, we should not conform to such, unless of course, it was ordained without our consent or knowledge.

God’s will can be conceived by the renewing of the mind and the embracing of God’s stance according to scriptures.

This is a joint piece by Chinedum and Adaobi, for more information contact

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